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Federal Pell Grant Program - Recalculating Federal Pell Grant Awards

AwardYear: 1995-1996
EnterChapterNo: 4
EnterChapterTitle: Federal Pell Grant Program
SectionNumber: 5
SectionTitle: Recalculating Federal Pell Grant Awards
PageNumbers: 81-84

The Pell award may have to be recalculated if the student's
information changes after the initial calculation or
Disbursement. (Please keep in mind that this section discusses
AWARD recalculations, using the Payment Schedule, as opposed
to recalculations of the EFC.) Of the significant factors that
go into calculating a Pell AWARD, the three that are most
likely to change are the EFC, enrollment status, and COA. The
Federal Pell Grant Program regulations specify when a school
must recalculate an award to take these changes into account,
as described below. The recalculation may require adjustments
in the student's subsequent payments, or even repayment of
the entire grant, as discussed in Section Six of this chapter.


There are three reasons why the EFC for a student may change
during the award year:

[[Types of EFC changes]]
1. Corrections. The student may have to correct an
error on the original FAFSA or on the previous SAR or ISIR.
This frequently occurs as a result of verification, but it may
also be a result of the student's own review of his or her data.
If the student has already been paid based on the original EFC,
the award will have to be recalculated.

2. Updating. Students selected for verification are required
to update three projected data elements if they change for a
reason other than a change in marital status: dependency
status, household size, and the number of family members in
postsecondary education.

3. Professional Judgment. The aid administrator
may, on a case-by-case basis, adjust one or more of the data
elements used to calculate the EFC. The aid administrator may
need to adjust the EFC during the award year to reflect a
student's changed circumstances: For example, if a
wage-earning parent dies after the student's first semester, the
aid administrator could adjust the Adjusted Gross Income in
the EFC formula to reflect the loss of income.

[[Recalculation based on valid SAR or ISIR]]
[[Exception: verification extension]]
If there is a SAR or ISIR with an EFC different from the one
used for the payment calculation, you must first decide which
document is valid. Is this new information the result of
corrections to the previous information? Are the corrections
accurate and consistent with other information you have about
the student? If the new information is the valid information, in
most cases you must recalculate the student's Pell award for
the entire award year based on the new EFC. However, there
is one exception: A student selected for verification cannot
INCREASE his or her eligibility if the school obtains the
corrected SAR or ISIR during the "verification extension"
period (60 days after the student's last day of enrollment, not
to extend beyond August 30 following the end of the award
year). For example, if the student submits a reprocessed SAR
during the extension period, and the SAR has a lower EFC
than the previous SAR (thereby increasing the student's
eligibility), recalculation is NOT permitted. The student would
be paid based on the HIGHER EFC on the SAR that was
submitted earlier. However, if the corrections REDUCE the
student's eligibility (that is, if the reprocessed SAR had a
higher EFC) then the award must be calculated based on the
reprocessed SAR.


Pell payments to students in clock-hour programs and
programs without terms are always based on the full-time
Payment Schedule; therefore, no recalculation is necessary for
changes in the hours taken by students in these programs.

[[Required recalculation: student does not attend class]]
In a term program that uses credit hours, a school must
calculate a student's payment for each term based on the
enrollment status and length of enrollment for that term. If a
student attended full time for the first term and then enrolled
half time in the second term, you must use the half-time
enrollment status to adjust the student's payment for the
second term. In addition, if the student does not begin
attendance in all of his or her classes, you must recalculate the
student's award based on the lower enrollment status. For
instance, a student registers for a full-time course load (15
hours) but only begins attendance in three classes (9 hours).
The student's Pell must be recalculated based on the lower
enrollment status.

[[Optional recalculation: enrollment change within a term]]
The regulations do not require any recalculation for changes in
enrollment status after the student has begun attendance in all
of his or her classes. However, some schools have a policy of
recalculating an award if a student's enrollment status changes
at any time within a term. If such a policy is established, it
must be applied consistently to all students: If the school
chooses to recalculate for a student who changes from half
time to full time, it must also recalculate for a student whose
enrollment status decreases.

[[Payment when enrollment changes within a term]]
If your school does not establish a policy for recalculation
within a payment period, a student who begins attendance in all
classes would be paid based on the initial calculation, even if
his or her enrollment status changes before the payment is
made. For instance, a student registers full time, submits a
SAR, and begins attending all of her classes. The financial aid
administrator calculates a full-time award but, by the time the
student comes to pick up the check, she has dropped to
half-time enrollment. The student is still paid based on full-time
enrollment, as long as she is still eligible for the payment. On
the other hand, if the student did not submit her SAR until
after she had dropped to half-time enrollment, the Pell
calculation would be based on the student's enrollment status
at that time (half time).

(A more drastic change in enrollment status, when the student
withdraws from school completely, is discussed in Chapter
Three, Section Five, "Refunds and Repayments.")


[[COA must be for full year]]
Schools are not required to recalculate Pell awards for COA
changes during the award year. However, if the school
recalculates Pell awards for a change in enrollment status, it
MUST ALSO take into account any changes in the COA at
that time. For example, if a student attends full time for the
first semester and then drops to less than half time the second
semester, the student's COA will change. If it is your school's
policy to recalculate for the enrollment change, you must use
the cost for a less-than-half-time student FOR A FULL YEAR
to calculate the student's less-than-half-time award. You
cannot combine the two costs or average them.

[[COA changes between payment periods]]
Some schools elect to recalculate awards when the COA
changes from one payment period to the next--for example,
because of changes to the student's tuition and fee costs, or
because the student's living situation changes (for example, the
student moves off campus). A school may recalculate Pell
awards for cost changes within the award year, as long as the
recalculation policy is carried out for all students whose costs

[[COA changes within a payment period]]
Some schools also recalculate financial aid awards when a
student's costs change WITHIN a payment period. For
instance, if a student with no dependents moves from a
dormitory to off-campus housing at midterm, the school may
wish to recalculate the student's award for that payment
period. Again, for Pell purposes, such a policy is acceptable
if it is carried out for all students whose costs change within
the payment period. Note that a school may establish a policy
of recalculating for cost changes from one payment period to
the next and, at the same time, have a policy not to recalculate
for cost changes WITHIN a payment period.

Please keep in mind that you may not recalculate the payment
for a payment period that took place BEFORE the cost
change. For instance, in the example above, if the student
lives in the dormitory during the first quarter and then moves
off campus for the second and third quarters, the recalculation
would only affect the payments for the second and third